One of the most successful aspects of our marketing experience was our ability to stay on schedule according to our original marketing timeline. Although most of the work took place within the two weeks leading up to the first screening, this was in no way unexpected or unplanned. We achieved everything we set out to do according to our initial strategy, as well as adding to it some aspects that were not conceived at the outset of our campaign.
Timeline (in list format)
-March 6th
pick up flyer from the Enzian
-March 14th
creation of a Myspace website for online advertising
-March 17th
creation of the first draft of the posters
-March 18th
creation of the second draft of the posters
creation of a blog site for the film
-March 19th
creation of a usable flyer
-March 20th
copies made of flyers and posters
t-shirts designed and produced
-March 21st
Sonny’s local circuit
creation of a Facebook advertising account
-March 22nd
Jarrod’s local circuit
call radio stations
-March 28th
Alex’s local circuit
-March 29th
world premiere screening at the Regal Winter Park Village
-April 1st
second screening at the Enzian